This Substratum theme is for Aosp 7.x Custom roms with OMS. !!NOT FOR ANDROID 5.x or 6.x!! !!!No Legacy Support!!! Use at your own risk on stock roms!Tested on Screw'd, DU, Pure Nexus, AOSIP, RR, Validus and TeslaTelegram group for help, questions or chat - your own dark look with 12 Accent colors, tons of Primary, Background and card color choices.Themed:- SystemUI- Framework- Aosp Dialer- Aosp Contacts- DeskClock- Action Launcher 3- Play Store- DocumentsUI- Aosp Calculator- Play Services- Google+ (Theme Ready)- Hangouts (Theme Ready)- Gmail (Theme Ready)- Google App including GA (Theme Ready)- AOSP and Google keyboards- Launcher 3- Package Installer- FKU (Use Dark Theme)- EX Kernel Manager (Use Dark Theme)- Photos (Theme Ready)- YouTube (Theme Ready)- Notification drawer- and many more apps!!- Wallpapers- Icon Pack Generator support - Please flash Theme Ready Apps by daveyannihilation, djdarkknight96 and Train88 - Substratum G+ community - and please feel free to email or contact me on Hangouts @
[email protected] if you see anything missing or if you have any questions ;-)